Yeah, I haven't been super active here lately. I won't bore you lovely creatures with the details, but February was, to put in in scientific terms, a major poo month for me. But that's okay! I'm back on track with my Stanley Crowe comic (more pages coming VERY soon), I have a convention coming up, and after that I have some SUPER exciting announcements for you guys regarding my future projects!
I'm also gonna try to be more active in the forums and engaging with people on their projects. I love Newgrounds, and it's time I started making better use of it!
That's all for now, friendos! You'll be seeing me around more, and I hope to see you too ;)
Saw your front page feature and I came across your user page. By sheer coincidence I looked at your playlist and saw my game, Azurael's Circle: Chapter 1, there. Very cool!
AH, nice! I'm diggin' the game so far, tho I haven't had the time to really dig into it. I'll be sure to play more of it soon! :)