So, 2019 was a pretty shit year for a lot of people, yours truly included. I won't bore you with the details, but I'm glad this big, smelly, poopy-pants of a year is over.
That said, I'm looking forward to the new year very much. I have a lot of really cool projects in the works, my arm is finally on the mend after three years of daily, often debilitating pain, and I'm ready to go back to being crazy productive again. Before I do that tho, I need to shake off some of the bad habits I got into while I was hurty.
Long story short - I'm doing a digital detox.
For the entire month of January, I'm not gonna be watching any videos of any kind. Not as BG noise, not on breaks, nothing. Once the month is up, I'm only gonna watch vids on the weekends from then on. Also, social media and messages will be limited to my designated break times, and what spare time I have will be reserved for practicing music or reading.
I'm also gonna start streaming art stuff on Twitch, so that should be fun.
Bottom line - my new year's resolution is to make 2020 my year. Develop better habits, ditch the old ones, be healthier, be more productive, and make lots of awesome art.
Oh, and some really cool announcements regarding the future of Stanley Crowe are on the horizon, so keep yer eyes peeled!
That's all for now. Here's to making 2020 the year of the Orbital Death Ray!